Iowa: Water

June 2009
The Environmental Protection Commission will hold a series of public hearings on proposed amendments to Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-61, Water Quality Standards; and Iowa Admin. Code r. 567-62, Effluent and Pretreatment Standards: Other Effluent Limitations or Prohibitions. The proposed amendments would establish numerical water quality criteria for chloride for the protection of aquatic life uses, establish numerical water quality criteria for sulfate for the protection of aquatic life uses, update the effective date of references to the "Supporting Document for Iowa Water Quality Management Plans" to reflect the removal of the total dissolved solids site-specific approach and revision of the sulfate ion guideline value, and revise the default hardness level used for hardness-dependent chemical criteria from 100 mg/l to 200 mg/l. The hearings will be July 7, 9, 13, 15, and 16, 2009. pp. 2737-741.