Florida: Air

May 2008
The Department of Environmental Protection will conduct a public hearing, if requested, to consider proposed amendments to 62-210.370, Emissions Computation and Reporting, and 62-210.900, Forms and Instructions. The proposed rule amendments update the Annual Operating Report (AOR) form and instructions (DEP Form No. 62-210.900(5)) to include the emissions computation and reporting requirements of Rule 62-210.370, F.A.C., and to modify other air emissions reporting procedures on the form. The proposed amendments to Rule 62-210.370, F.A.C., extend the AOR submittal deadline. If requested, the hearing will be held June 12, 2008. https://www.flrules.org/Faw/FAWDocuments/FAWVOLUMEFOLDERS2008/3419/SECTII.pdf pp. 2394-2395.