Florida: Air

May 2009
The Department of Environmental Protection will hold a rule development workshop on amendments to Fla. Admin. Code Ann. rr. 62-285.300 through 62-285.304, Electric Utility Greenhouse Gas Reduction Program. The amendments would establish statewide emission caps from the electric utility sector and include general provisions related to the establishment and operation of a cap-and-trade program to accomplish greenhouse gas emission reductions. The department also proposed to develop four additional new rule sections to implement details of the proposed cap-and-trade program. These details include procedures for allocating greenhouse gas emission allowances to allowance tracking accounts of different types; establishing allowance tracking accounts and tracking allocations, deductions, and transfers to and from such accounts; monitoring and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions; and creating and using greenhouse gas emissions offsets. The hearing will be held May 19, 2009. https://www.flrules.org/Faw/FAWDocuments/FAWVOLUMEFOLDERS2009/3517/3517doc.pdf p. 2050.