California: Air

June 2010
The Air Resources Board seeks public comment on proposed amendments to Cal. Code Regs. tit. 17, §§95150, 95151, 95152, 95153, 95154, 95155, 95156, 95157, 95158, 94159, 95160, 95161, and 95162. Proposed changes would have significant impact on many stationary industrial facilities located in the state, as the amendments would force the largest emitters of greenhouse gases to submit information on energy efficiency improvement opportunities that are available and quantify the associated emission reductions for greenhouse gas, criteria pollutants, and toxic air contaminants. The rules are meant to comply with the state's Global Warming Solutions Act and will help the Board determine emissions standards and greenhouse gas reductions plans, in addition to aiding to development of a state cap-and-trade program. The public hearing will be on July 22, 2010, and written comments are due July 21. pp. 825-29.