Arizona: Air

May 2008
The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality (ADEQ) gives notice of a rulemaking docket opening to amend its rules providing for the review and permitting of new and modified stationary sources of air pollution (NSR). ADEQ will seek to adopt revisions that can be approved by U.S. EPA as replacements for the SIP program, thus eliminating the difference between regulations ADEQ has adopted and those U.S. EPA has approved. ADEQ is also considering adoption of some or all of EPA§s NSR Reform amendments to the federal NSR program for major sources, as well as amendments to make the NSR program a more effective means of reducing emissions of regulated air pollutants and protecting NAAQS. Finally, ADEQ is considering changes to clarify how the major NSR program applies to emissions of greenhouse gases. pp. 1448-1450.