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89 FR 27288

EPA finalized changes to its test procedures required to be used by industries and municipalities when analyzing the chemical, physical, and biological properties of wastewater and other samples for reporting under the NPDES permit program. 

89 FR 26817

SIP Proposal: California (revisions to meet requirements for the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in the Riverside County nonattainment area). 

89 FR 26813

SIP Proposal: Arizona (revisions concerning emissions of volatile organic compounds, nitrogen oxides, particulate matter, and sulfur oxides for the Maricopa County Air Quality Department).  

89 FR 26932

United States v. Villegas, No. 1:24-cv-962 (D. Colo. Apr. 10, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling CWA defendants that discharged pollutants without a permit into waters of the United States must restore impacted areas. 

89 FR 26930

United States v. Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, No. 5:06-cv-386-KSF (E.D. Ky. Apr. 10, 2024). A proposed material modification to a consent decree concerning alleged violations of the CWA stemming from the settling defendant's operation of its sanitary sewer system and wastewater treatment plant extends the final compliance deadline for remedial projects by four years to December 31, 2030, and makes changes to reporting frequency and methods.

89 FR 26931

United States v. Grindstone Indian Rancheria of Wintun-Wailaki Indians of California, No. 2:24-cv-01044-KJM-CKD (E.D. Cal. Apr. 9, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling SDWA defendant must pay a civil penalty of $8,963 and perform injunctive relief measures including demonstrating compliance with surface water treatment requirements, providing boil water notices and alternative water supply, and developing and implementing an extensive operation and maintenance plan for the Grindstone Indian Rancheria Public Water System. 

89 FR 26931

United States v. PPG Industries, Inc., No. 2:24-04771 (D.N.J. Apr. 11, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling CERCLA defendant must design and implement the components of the remedy selected for the Riverside Industrial Park Superfund Site in Newark, New Jersey, that relate to waste material, sewer water, soil gas, and soil/fill material; pay a total of $3,000,000 for past response costs; and pay for future response costs.