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Montana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to adopt new rules and amend existing regulations governing the translation of narrative nutrient standards and implementation of the Adaptive Management Program (AMP). The new rules would implement S.B. 358 requirements by establishing consistent translation procedures for narrative nutrient standards across Department water programs and implementing the AMP within the Montana Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permitting program, and the amendments would prescribe fees for the AMP and modify nutrient parameters.

Montana: Energy

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to regulations governing the need findings in the Major Facility Siting Act. The amendments would remove specific references to outdated regulations, update terminology and standards, address potential adverse impacts on visual aesthetics and aviation regulations, and repeal rules no longer relevant in the context of changes in the wholesale energy market. Comments are due May 24, 2024.

Missouri: Water

The Department of Natural Resources proposed amendments to regulations governing water well installation. The amendments would, among other things, update definitions for clarity, consistency, and errors, and update the standards for construction of water wells. A hearing will be held May 31, 2024. Comments are due May 30, 2024. See (pp. 607-36).

Mississippi: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted a new Section 303(d) List of Impaired Water Bodies. The new list replaces the previous version and identifies waters within the state for which recent monitoring and assessment have found pollutant-specific impairment and for which TMDLs are not yet completed. See

Maine: Waste

The Department of Environmental Protection adopted a new rule concerning the revocation or suspension of wastewater treatment plant operator certifications. The rule establishes procedures that may be used by the Department to consider revoking or suspending a wastewater treatment plant operator certification. See

Hawaii: Land Use

The Department of Land and Natural Resources proposed amendments to regulations governing the Conservation District. The amendments would, among other things, add provisions concerning identified land uses in the special subzone and coastal hazard mitigation disclosure statement, and modify provisions concerning subzones and identified land uses and required permits. See

Delaware: Water

The Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control adopted amendments to regulations governing shellfish aquaculture leasing. The amendments include additions, modifications, or deletions regarding definitions, lease issuance and application procedures, aquaculture gear and lease area marking requirements, shellfish aquaculture species, shellfish cultivation, planting and harvesting requirements and timelines, reporting requirements, lease transfer, and prohibited activities.

California: Natural Resources

The Department of Food and Agriculture proposed amendments to regulations governing fuel quality specification requirements and labeling of natural gas. The amendments would revise requirements for natural gas motor vehicle fuel dispensers and relocate Federal Trade Commission natural gas motor vehicle fuel dispenser labeling requirements from Cal. Code Regs. tit. 4, §4207 to §4206. Comments are due June 11, 2024.