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89 FR 46822

FWS removed approximately 64,797 acres of land within Arizona from the designation of critical habitat for the jaguar to comply with a court order. 

89 FR 46998

EPA proposed a regulatory framework for states and public water systems to identify and assess restructuring alternatives to ensure that every community receives safe, affordable, and reliable drinking water. 

89 FR 46576

FWS designated approximately 1,213,752 acres in northwestern California and southwestern Oregon as critical habitat for the coastal distinct population segment of Pacific marten under the ESA.

89 FR 46049

SIP Proposal: North Carolina (correction of erroneous incorporation of cross-references related to permitting rules).

Washington: Climate Change

The Department of Ecology proposed to adopt new regulations governing Climate Commitment Act funds reporting. The regulations would establish reporting requirements for recipients of funding from the Climate Commitment Act accounts to enable the Department to complete an annual report to the state legislature. A hearing will be held June 5, 2024. Comments are due June 28, 2024.

Virginia: Water

The State Water Control Board proposed amendments to regulations governing the water protection permit program and groundwater withdrawal. The amendments would introduce mandates for water auditing plans and leak detection and repair plans. A hearing will be held July 10, 2024. Comments are due July 19, 2024. See (pp. 1686-99).

Utah: Water

The Department of Natural Resources proposed amendments to regulations governing water conservation requirements and incentives. The amendments would clarify defined terms, add flexibility in minimum project sizes, expand evidence proving an applicant is a water end-user under contract with a water provider, increase the maximum incentive to $2 per square foot, add notice and cure provisions for participants whose projects initially fail to conform with approved plans, and provide other clarifying language. Comments are due June 14, 2024.

Utah: Governance

The Department of Natural Resources proposed to adopt a new rule concerning grant funding for water infrastructure projects. The rule would outline the application and approval process for receiving grant money from the Division of Water Resources for the construction or improvement of water infrastructure projects. Comments are due June 14, 2024. See (pp. 155-58).

Rhode Island: Air

The Department of Environmental Management proposed amendments to regulations governing the state’s low-emission and zero emission vehicle programs. The amendments would specify the requirements for the programs that implement California’s vehicle emission standards under §177 of the CAA. Comments are due June 14, 2024. See