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Commonwealth v. Coward

Affirming the lower court, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court holds that, pursuant to the Pennsylvania Clean Streams Law, the state Department of Environmental Resources (DER) may order the closing of a landfill and cleanup of the pollution discharged. The landfill operators had failed to comply with or...

CPC Int'l, Inc. v. Train

On its second review of EPA's proposed effluent limitations for new sources in the corn wet milling industry, the Eighth Circuit upholds most of the original limitations but remands the standard for total suspended solids. In CPC International v. Train, 515 F.2d 1032, 5 ELR 20392 (8th Cir. 1975) (CP...

Citizens Against Toxic Sprays v. Bergland

The court permanently enjoins further spraying of the phenoxy herbicides 2,4,5-T and silvex for vegetation control in the Siuslaw National Forest after determining that the Forest Service's environmental impact statement (EIS) for the spraying program is inadequate. The mere fact that the program in...

Charles v. Diamond

The New York Court of Appeals holds that a village's unreasonable delay in improving its sewer system, which prevents a landowner from hooking up to the municipal system, may, on sufficient proof, be an unconstitutional taking of private property without compensation. Appellee planned to construct a...

Citizens Comm. for the Hudson Valley v. Volpe

Corps permit for landfill along nine miles of Hudson River for proposed expressway voided. Future permits enjoined. Army Corps of Engineers exceeded its authority under Rivers and Harbors Act and Transportation Act of 1966 by issuing permit for dike and causeway without prior approval of Congress an...