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Queens West Development Corp. v. Honeywell International

A district court dismissed a development company's CERCLA contribution claim against a large corporation for costs the company incurred investigating and remediating environmental contamination on property caused by the corporation's legal predecessor. The company failed to state a claim for con...

Gates v. Rohm & Haas Co.

The Third Circuit affirmed a lower court decision refusing to certify residents' class action for medical monitoring and property damage in a suit against chemical companies for allegedly dumping a carcinogen at an industrial complex near their homes. The residents failed to show the cohesivenes...

Barnes v. United States Department of Transportation

The Ninth Circuit remanded the FAA's decision not to prepare an EIS in conjunction with its approval of an airport runway construction project. Relying chiefly on two cases involving airport improvements—neither of which involved a new runway—the FAA argued that an EA need not account for the gr...

Southern California Edison Co. v. United States

The Federal Circuit, in a breach of contract case involving the U.S. government's failure to dispose of spent nuclear fuels (SNF) produced at San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station, held that certain indirect overhead costs incurred by an electric utility can be included in the utility's damages ...

United States v. DTE Energy Co.

A district court held that an energy company did not violate the CAA when it failed to obtain a new source review (NSR) permit prior to renovating electric utility steam generating units at its Monroe, Michigan, power plant. The government argued that a permit was required because the renovations co...

Sierra Club v. Khanjee Holding (US) Inc.

The Seventh Circuit upheld a $100,000 penalty assessment against three power plant developers for PSD permit violations at a proposed coal-fired power plant site. The court previously held that the developers' PSD permit expired because they failed to begin construction within the permit's 18-month ...

Gutierrez v. County of San Bernardino

A California appellate court affirmed a lower court decision dismissing homeowners' inverse condemnation claim against a county for damages they sustained following storm-induced floods in 2003 and 2004. The homeowners alleged that during both storms, a county roadway concentrated and exacerbated th...