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Cooper v. Wisdom

The court issues a permanent injunction against the construction of a boat ramp in Biscayne Bay under an invalid dredge and fill permit. The Corps of Engineers violated its own administrative procedures in issuing the permit by neither holding a public hearing pursuant to plaintiffs' request nor giv...

Dwyer v. Ann Arbor, City of

The court vacates an injunction restraining further issuance of construction permits by defendants until such time as the municipality's sewage treatment plant is brought into compliance with state and federal laws. The trial court was correct in finding a violation of the city's national pollutant ...

Consolidated Edison Co. v. Hoffman

The state of New York's highest court affirms an order directing a semi-rural municipality to grant a variance from its zoning ordinance to permit a public utility to construct a 565-foot tower for treating the cooling water discharged from the Indian Point nuclear power plant.
The court applies a ...

Culpeper League for Envtl. Protection v. NRC

On direct review of an order of the Atomic Safety and Licensing Board of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission, the D.C. Circuit rules that the procedures employed by the Board in approving a routing proposal for an electric transmission line were adequate under the National Environmental Policy Act. Th...

Cleveland Elec. Illuminating Co. v. EPA

Thirty-two industrial companies filed 23 petitions for review of the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) imposition of a sulfur dioxide control plan for industrial dischargers in the state of Ohio. Petitioners claim that the plan should be remanded because the informal rulemaking hearings empl...

Washington v. EPA

The Ninth Circuit reverses a lower court's dismissal of an action seeking declaratory and injunctive relief against the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regional Administrator's veto of a state-issued national pollutant discharge elimination system permit for a paper mill but dismisses two peti...

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul & Pac. R.R. v. United States

Granting plaintiffs' cross-motion for summary judgment, the Court of Claims enters summary judgment allowing plaintiffs to recover cleanup costs for an oil spill from their property caused by burglars. Plaintiffs had sought to recover their costs, pursuant to Federal Water Pollution Control Act §31...

Concord Township v. United States

Although setting aside on other grounds the Interstate Commerce Commission's granting of a certificate for reinstitution of a railroad freight service, the court upholds the Commission's threshold finding that its action would have no significant environmental impact and thus no environmental impact...

Citizens for Balanced Env't & Transp. v. Volpe

The court rules that the district court properly upheld, 10 ELR 20763, the adequacy of an environmental impact statement (EIS) prepared for the construction of U.S. Route 7, in Connecticut. The court's role under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) is to insure that the Federal Highway Admi...

Connecticut v. EPA

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals holds that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) properly approved a review of New York's state implementation plan (SIP) under the Clean Air Act and rejects challenges by the States of Connecticut and New Jersey regarding the interstate impacts of the revisio...