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Calvert Cliffs Coordinating Comm., Inc. v. Atomic Energy Comm'n

The regulations promulgated by the AEC to comply with the procedural obligations imposed upon federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 violate the Act's requirements as follows: (1) the AEC's refusal to independently review the nonradiological environmental impact of nuclear...

Commonwealth v. Toro Dev.

Defendant land developer's preliminary objection to the lack of specificity of plaintiff's complaint is sustained, and leave is granted to the Commonwealth to amend its complaint to state the location of the land from which the soil allegedly washes into Commonwealth waters. Defendants' second demur...

Connecticut Action Now v. Roberts Plating Co.

Plaintiff cannot maintain civil qui tam action under §411 of Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 for recovery of criminal fine provided for unauthorized polluters of navigable waters because informer's right to one-half fine collected vests only after conviction in criminal proceeding which he cannot in...

Citizens to Preserve Foster Park v. Volpe

Plaintiffs' request for declaratory and injunctive relief to prevent further work on Baer Field Expressway on grounds that defendants failed to comply with Department of Transportation Act, the Federal Aid Highway Act, and the National Environmental Policy Act is denied. Failure of highway administr...

Bortz Coal Co. v. Air Pollution Comm'n

Air Pollution Commission's abatement order cannot stand where hearing examiner's finding that petitioner's coke ovens violated state air pollution standards was based upon visual observations of expert witness unaided by Ringelmann Smoke Chart or other available scientific methods for determining sm...

Chicago, City of v. General Motors Corp.

Defendant motor vehicle manufacturers' motion to dismiss this class action products libility case granted. The court found the case was too complex for city of Chicago to represent adequately the class which it purports to represent—all individual and corporate Illinois citizens resident in Chicag...

Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe

On remand from the United States Supreme Court for trial on the issue of whether the Secretary acted arbitrarily in approving a segment of interstate highway to be located in Overton Park, see Citizens to Preserve Overton Park v. Volpe, 1 ELR 20110 (U.S. Mar. 2, 1971), the district court issues a Pr...

East Haven, Town of v. Eastern Airlines, Inc.

City of New Haven, which operates airport built with federal funds and operated under National Airport Plan, is liable under "inverse condemnation" theory for property damage to residents over whose property jet planes fly causing soot, noise and vibrations. New Haven not liable to those property ho...

Clayton, Town of v. Mayfield

Where defendant maintained unfenced junkyard which presented fire hazard due to presence of combustible materials, health hazard because water in and under cars was breeding ground for mosquitos, safety hazard because site was attraction for children, and pollution hazard because of on-property burn...

Committee for Nuclear Responsibility v. Seaborg

Interlocutory order of district court requiring in camera examination of certain documents for which plaintiffs sought discovery in their suit to enjoin the detonation of a nuclear warhead on Amchitka Island (Project Cannikin) is affirmed. Executive privilege does not bar the judiciary from in camer...