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Western Oil & Gas Ass'n v. California State Air Resources Bd.

The court affirms the trial court ruling overturning state ambient air quality standards for sulfate and sulfur dioxide because the procedures used in adopting the standards were unfair and the state Air Resources Board was arbitrary and capricious in refusing to consider the cost of attaining the s...

Warren, Town of v. Hazardous Waste Facility Site Safety Council

The court rules that the siting preemption is part of a general hazardous waste law that deals comprehensively with a statewide ities. First, the court holds that the council's determination that proposed disposal sites in Warren were "feasible and deserving of state assistance" is not a final admin...

Carson-Truckee Water Conservancy Dist. v. Watt

The court rules that the Secretary of the Interior's present operation of the Stampede Dam and Reservoir project primarily for the benefit of two species of endangered fish is within the Secretary's discretion. The court had previously ruled that any waters from the project except those necessary to...

Del Norte, County of v. United States

The court invalidates the Secretary of the Interior's designation of five wild and scenic rivers in California for failure to comply with Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) regulations governing preparation of environmental impact statements (EISs). The court first rules that plaintiffs have sta...

United States v. Tilton

The Eleventh Circuit upholds the district court's injunction, 12 ELR 21102, against further filling of wetlands without a permit required pursuant to §404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA). The court notes that the Corps of Engineers' §404 regulations define the term "waters of th...

Celotex Corp. v. Pollution Control Bd.

The court affirms a lower court decision, 12 ELR 20671, overturning a state air pollution opacity standard and the Pollution Control Board's denial of an operating permit renewal to Celotex based on alleged noncompliance with that standard. The court first rules that §29 of the Illinois Environment...

West Chicago, City of v. NRC

The court rules that the portions of the preliminary version of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC's) draft environmental impact statement (EIS) for the decommissioning of a radioactive thorium manufacturing plant that reflect the government's policymaking process are exempt from disclosure un...

Hough v. Marsh

The district court remands the Army Corps of Engineers' issuance of a dredge and fill permit pursuant to §404 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act (FWPCA), ruling that the Corps failed to comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) §404(b)(1) guidelines and its ...

West Chicago, City of v. NRC

The court rules that under §189(a) of the Atomic Energy Act (AEA), the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) need not hold a formal, trial-type hearing on a challenge to a proposed amendment to a materials license allowing the demolition of a thorium processing plant and temporary storage of off-site...

Idaho ex rel. Evans v. Oregon

The Supreme Court rules that the doctrine of equitable apportionment is applicable to a dispute over allocation of anadromous fish in the Columbia Basin, but finds that the state of Idaho has failed to prove sufficient injury to warrant an equitable decree. Holding the fish resource analogous to wat...