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Man Hing Ivory & Imports, Inc. v. Deukmejian

The court rules that a California statute banning trade in African elephant products is preempted by §6(f) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) but not by the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). CITES does not preempt the California statute because it expressly allows si...

H.J. Justin & Sons v. Deukmejian

The court, reversing in part the district court's ruling, 12 ELR 20179, rules that §6(f) of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) preempts the state of California's statute prohibiting trade in elephant products. Applying the ruling in a companion case, 13 ELR 20477, the court rules that the California ...

Puna Speaks v. Edwards

The court denies plaintiffs' request for a preliminary injunction to halt geothermal drilling and production activities funded by the Department of Energy (DOE) allegedly in violation of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA). First, the court holds that the injunctive relief provided by NEPA ...

State v. Monarch Chems., Inc.

Affirming the trial court, the court rules that a hazardous chemical handler's landlord may be liable for the tenant's tortious pollution of the public water supply if the landlord negligently selected the tenant, continued to exercise control over the property, or failed to maintain the property in...

James River Flood Control Ass'n v. Watt

The court upholds the adequacy of the environmental impact statement (EIS) for the Garrison Diversion Unit and approves the Department of the Interior's decision to proceed with the initial stage of the project. First, the court holds that a 1976 draft supplemental EIS can be considered together wit...

United States v. Lambert

The court rules that a jury trial is unavailable to a defendant facing civil penalties under §309 of the Federal Water Pollution Control Act. The court finds no support for granting a jury trial in the Act's legislative history, and finds the civil penalty to be in the nature of a deterrent to stat...

Small Refiner Lead Phase-Down Task Force v. EPA

The court affirms in part and vacates in part the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) regulations limiting lead content in gasoline produced by small refiners, ruling that the final standard of 1.10 grams per leaded gallon (gplg) and the past production requirement in the definition of "small ...

Metropolitan Edison Co. v. People Against Nuclear Energy

The Supreme Court, reversing the D.C. Circuit, 12 ELR 20546, rules that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) does not require the Nuclear Regulatory Commission to consider the potential psychological harm to local residents before authorizing the resumption of power generation at the sister ...

Save Our Ecosystems v. Watt

The court denies plaintiffs' motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO) to stop the Bureau of Land Management from spraying herbicides in Oregon forests. Plaintiffs failed to carry their burden of demonstrating an immediate threat of irreparable injury if the spraying proceeds. While there is su...