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Pacific Legal Found. v. Costle

In a challenge to the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) response to California's failure to meet Clean Air Act deadlines, the court holds that it lacks jurisdiction under §307 of the Clean Air Act to review EPA's imposition of a new source construction ban and withdrawal of federal funds, a...

Peabody Coal Co. v. Watt

The court upholds a Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA) regulation exempting some mines from prime farmland reclamation requirements of §510(d), but invalidates a regulation setting a termination date for the exemption. First, the court considers the regulation limiting exemptions to...

Kerr-McGee Chem. Corp. v. Department of the Interior

The Ninth Circuit, reversing the district court, 13 ELR 20269, holds that the standing and ripeness doctrines bar appellee's challenge to the Department of the Interior's (DOI's) recommendation that California redesignate Death Valley National Monument from a Class II to a Class I air quality region...

Pennsylvania Coal Mining Ass'n v. Watt

The court upholds three of four actions by the Secretary of the Interior approving or disapproving portions of Pennsylvania's application for surface mining regulation primacy under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act (SMCRA). The court first notes that SMCRA authorizes the Secretary to a...

Maryland Wildlife Fed'n v. Lewis

The court rules that the Secretary of Transportation complied with §4(f) of the Department of Transportation Act and the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) in selecting an alternative for a segment of the National Freeway through a state forest in Maryland. Under §4(f), the Secretary's choic...

United Neighbors Civic Ass'n of Jam. v. Pierce

The court upholds a determination by the Department of Housing and Urban Devolopment (HUD) that the financing of a 111-unit housing project is not a major federal action requiring preparation of an environmental impact statement (EIS) under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The court ho...

Twitty v. North Carolina

The Fourth Circuit affirms the district court's ruling, 12 ELR 20336, that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had acted within its authority under the Toxic Substances Control Act in approving the dumping of polycholorinated biphenyls at a state landfill next to appellants' land. The district...

Natural Resources Defense Council v. Ruckelshaus

The court approves a settlement agreement resolving litigation over Clean Air Act implementation plans governing airborne lead pollution. The parties agree that as of July 30, 1982, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), by failing to approve, disapprove, or promulgate lead plans for 29 states a...

Northwest Indian Cemetery Protective Ass'n v. Peterson

The court permanently enjoins the construction of a six-mile road and the implementation of a timber harvest plan in the Blue Creek Roadless Area of the Six Rivers National Forest for violations of the First Amendment, the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Wilderness Act, the Federal Wat...

New York v. EPA

The court rules that the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA's) approval of a revision to the Illinois state implementation plan (SIP) allowing increased emissions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) from a power plant without consideration of the impacts on air quality in New York does not violate the Clean...