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Multnomah, County of v. Exxon Mobil Corp.

A district court adopted a magistrate judge's findings and recommendations to remand to state court a climate liability lawsuit brought by an Oregon county against oil and gas companies. The county initially sued in state court, arguing the companies failed to warn consumers about the negative effec...

Puget Soundkeeper Alliance v. Port of Tacoma

The Ninth Circuit reversed in part summary judgment for the operators of a marine cargo terminal on Puget Sound in a CWA citizen suit concerning stormwater discharges. An environmental group argued the operators were liable for discharges from the facility's entire footprint, including an area known...

Center for Environmental Health v. Regan

The Fourth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a TSCA citizen suit concerning EPA's decision on a petition to require testing for 54 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). Four citizen groups argued that EPA's decision, which granted the petition and agreed to require testing on PFAS as a class throu...

89 FR 51511

NMFS announced the initiation of a five-year review for the Maui’s dolphin and South Island Hector’s dolphin.

Montana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed to readopt, with amendments, the Department Circular DEQ-8 Montana Standards for Subdivision Storm Water Drainage. The standards would, among other things, clarify stormwater drainage design standards for subdivisions, exclude subdivisions crossing large drainageways, introduce new methods for determining retention pond sizes and culvert requirements, update terminology and calculations for facility volumes, and establish minimum distance requirements for stormwater facilities. A hearing will be held July 8, 2024.

Montana: Air

The Department of Environmental Quality proposed amendments to regulations governing the incorporation by reference of federal air quality regulations. The amendments would update references to the Code of Federal Regulations and the U.S. Code, including, among other things, incorporating the North American Industry Classification System of 2022, reflecting the transfer of rulemaking authority from the Board of Environmental Review to the Department, and aligning with current industry standards and EPA guidelines. Comments are due July 8, 2024.

Connecticut: Waste

The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection adopted amendments to regulations governing the use, control, and possession of ionizing radiation. The amendments update the regulatory framework concerning the use, control, and possession of ionizing radiation for consistency with current technologies and federal standards and repeal outdated existing regulations.

Alaska: Water

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed amendments to regulations governing state water quality standards. The amendments would clarify that, in addition to use of the Guidance for the Implementation of Natural Condition-Based Water Quality Standards to establish water quality-based effluent limits, the Department may establish water quality-based effluent limits for groundwater discharges based on the monitoring and corrective action requirements set out under Alaska Admin. Code tit. 18, ch. 60. Comments are due July 12, 2024.