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Pacific Legal Found. v. Andrus

The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the district court's ruling, 9 ELR 20413, that the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) did not require the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) to prepare an environmental impact statement (EIS) before listing seven species of mollusks as enda...

Sierra Club v. Watt

Affirming the distirct court, 10 ELR 20555, the District of Columbia Circuit Court of Appeals holds that the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 (FLPMA) does not establish federal reserved rights in water courses appurtenant to lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management. Reserved...

United States v. Hooker Chems. & Plastics Corp.

The Court denies defendants' motion for a protective order covering materials obtained through discovery in the government's action for damages for violations of anti-pollution laws and for common-law nuisance in Love Canal, New York. Defendants' proposed order would require that they receive 10 day...

Simmons v. Arkansas Power & Light Co.

Affirming the district court's dismissal of appellants' complaint alleging unlawful operation and regulation of the Arkansas Nuclear One power plant, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals rules that the district court lacked jurisdiction over the federal and state statutory claims and that the complai...

New England Legal Found. v. Costle

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals affirms the district court's dismissal, 8 ELR 20438, of appellants' claim that the burning of high-sulfur oil at a New York generating station constitutes a nuisance under federal common law. In light of Supreme Court precedent holding that the federal common law ...

Hybud Equip. Corp. v. Akron, City of

The court affirms a holding that a city of Akron ordinance creating a monopoly over the collection and recycling of solid waste is lawful under the Constitution and the antitrust laws. The ordinance, which requires that all combustible and recyclable solid waste collected in the city be delivered to...

Environmental Defense Fund v. Higginson

The appellate court vacates the district court's summary judgment, 10 ELR 20206, holding that the Department of the Interior may delay preparation of a comprehensive environmental impact statement (CEIS) covering all proposed federal water projects in the Colorado River Basin and remands the case to...

Laney v. United States

Reversing the trial division's grant of summary judgment, the Court of Claims rules that the Army Corps of Engineers' denial of a permit to construct a pier on a private island may constitute a taking under the Fifth Amendment. Plaintiff, owner of a 160-acre island in the Florida Keys, sought a dred...

Jentgen v. United States

The Court of Claims rules that the Army Corps of Engineers' denial of plaintiff's applications for dredge and fill permits for a planned residential community near the Everglades National Park does not constitute a taking of property under the Fifth Amendment. In 1971 plaintiff acquired about 100 ac...

Nevada Power Co. v. Watt

The district court invalidates regulations, 43 C.F.R. §2803.1-1, promulgated by the Secretary of the Interior which require rights-of-way applicants to reimburse the government for all administrative costs incurred in processing their applications because the regulations preclude consideration of t...