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Selby Realty Co. v. San Buenaventura, City of

In an action by a land developer for declaratory relief, damages, and a writ of mandate, the California Supreme Court rules that a joint city-county general development plan that proposes a street extension through plaintiff's property constitutes neither inverse condemnation nor a taking of plainti...

Southern Ill. Asphalt Co. v. EPA

The Illinois Environmental Protection Act's provision requiring a permit from the state Environmental Protection Agency to install or operate equipment capable of causing pollution is neither unconstitutionally vague nor an illegal delegation of legislative authority. The sections of the Act which g...

Rucker v. Willis

The court upholds a Corps of Engineers NEPA threshold determination that the issuance of a permit to a private developer for construction of a fishing pier and boat basin on an island of North Carolina's Outer Banks did not constitute a major federal action significantly affecting the environment. T...

Saunders v. Washington Metro. Transit Auth.

The Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority's Board of Directors failed to give proper consideration to environmental and aesthetic factors when it prepared a segment of its mass transit plan. Although a NEPA impact statement was not required since this was not a major federal action, the Boa...

Puget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency v. U.S. Veterans Admin. Hosp.

The Clean Air Act does not create a right in a municipal air pollution control agency to assess civil penalties and attorney fees against a federal facility for violation of local emission regulations, nor does it constitute a consent by the United States to be sued for injunctive relief against suc...

National Helium Corp. v. Morton

A district court decision that the final EIS for the Interior Department's termination of helium procurement contracts did not adequately comply with the requirements of NEPA, is reversed. After finding that the Helium Act does not exempt the Secretary of the Interior from the requirements of NEPA, ...

Illinois v. Milwaukee, City of

The Federal Water Pollution Control Act Amendments of 1972 do not preempt the state of Illinois' federal common-law right to seek abatement of a nuisance in the form of raw sewage discharged into Lake Michigan. Nor do water pollution control regulations promulgated by EPA constitute such a preemptio...

United States v. Kennebec Log Driving Co.

The Act of May 9, 1900 exempts log driving on the upper Kennebec River in Maine from the provisions of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 concerning obstructions to navigation, but nothing in the 1900 Act or its legislative history exempts this activity from the restriction on pollution of navigable...

Kentucky v. Fri

The Clean Air Act does not require federal agencies to comply with the permit procedures of the Kentucky state implementation plan, which was approved pursuant to §110 of the Act, before operating installations which emit air pollutants. The federal government is immune from state regulatory measur...

Iowa Citizens for Envtl. Quality v. Volpe

The court affirms a lower court's ruling that the EIS for a highway segment meets the requirements of NEPA even though it was initially prepared by the state highway commission. The fact that the statement was reviewed, modified, and adopted as its own by the Federal Highway Administration distingui...