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Information, Public Participation, and Justice

An informed and active civil society plays an integral role in realizing sustainable development. Involving citizens,1 nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and businesses expands the knowledge base and resources for developing laws and policies, as well as improving compliance and enforcement. Public involvement can identify problems at an early stage, allowing them to be addressed while options are still open.

"Two Strikes and You're Out!": How to Prevail in Daubert Challenges

In 1992, Drs. Arnold Schecter and Daniel Teitelbaum, two highly qualified scientists, testified that polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), together with certain dioxins and furans that were PCB derivatives, could have accelerated cancer in a 37-year-old electrician who, as part of his job, had bathed daily for many years in a "PCB-dielectric soup." Although Drs. Schechter and Teitelbaum had carefully described their data, methodologies, and scientific reasoning, in 1997, the U.S. Supreme Court, in General Electric Co. v.

The Need for Jurisdictional and Structural Class Action Reform

This discussion is adapted from comments which Lawyers for Civil Justice, a nationwide coalition of defense and corporate counsel working to improve the civil justice system, requested that I submit to the Civil Rules Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) of the Judicial Conference of the United States (Judicial Conference) regarding class action reform and pending, proposed amendments to Rule 23 of the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure (FRCP).