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Earth Island Inst. v. Evans

A district court granted environmental groups' motion to preliminarily enjoin the Secretary of Commerce from implementing his finding under the International Dolphin Conservation Program Act that the intentional deployment on, or encirclement of, dolphins with purse seine nets is not having a signif...

American Pelagic Fishing Co. v. United States

The Federal Circuit reversed a lower court decision that a commercial fishing company suffered a taking when its fishing permits were revoked under 1997 and 1998 Appropriations Acts. The Appropriations Acts cancelled the company's existing permits and authorization letter and prevented any further p...

Blackhawk v. Pennsylvania

The Third Circuit upheld a district court decision that a state wildlife and game commission's refusal to exempt a Native American, who owns black bears for religious purposes, from a permit fee violates the First Amendment's Free Exercise Clause. The permitting scheme is subject to strict scrutiny....

Malibu, City of v. California Coastal Comm'n

A California appellate court held that the state coastal commission's development of a local coastal program for Malibu, requiring it to process coastal development permits, is constitutional. The amendment to the California Coastal Act that required the commission to prepare a local coastal plan fo...

Primrose Operating Co. v. National Am. Ins. Co.

The Fifth Circuit upheld a district court decision holding that an insurer had a duty to defend an oil company in an underlying suit in which the company was alleged to have polluted a nearby ranch. The insurance contract contained a pollution exclusion clause that would, by itself, bar coverage. Th...

Cholla Ready Mix, Inc. v. Civish

The Ninth Circuit upheld the dismissal of a company's complaint alleging that Arizona state officials' policy against using materials mined from Woodruff Butte in state construction projects violates the company's constitutional rights. The Establishment Clause does not bar the government from prote...

Grand Canyon Trust v. Tucson Elec. Power Co.

The Ninth Circuit reversed a district court's dismissal of an environmental group's suit alleging that a power company was operating its electric-generating plant in violation of the CAA. The power company received a construction permit from EPA in 1977. In 1978, EPA incorporated best available cont...

Appolo Fuels, Inc. v. United States

The Federal Circuit held that a mining company did not suffer a taking when the OSM designated lands subject to the company's surface mining leases as unsuitable for mining pursuant to SMCRA. The company did not suffer a categorical taking because the company did not lose all economically viable use...

Bass Enters. Prod. Co. v. United States

The Federal Circuit held that the BLM's delay in approving a company's application for permits to drill oil and gas wells did not constitute a temporary regulatory taking. The delay was not extraordinary since it allowed the government to evaluate whether the proposed wells would cause the release o...