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88 FR 86303

SIP Proposal: Alabama (2006 24-hour fine particulate matter NAAQS limited maintenance plan for the Birmingham, Alabama maintenance area). 

88 FR 86312

EPA proposed to partially approve and partially disapprove a state plan submitted by the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency that establishes emission limits for existing large municipal waste combustors and provides for the implementation and enforcement of these limits.

88 FR 86383

In re: Mallinckrodt PLC, No. 20-12522 (D. Del. Dec. 4, 2023). A proposed settlement agreement grants the United States an allowed unsecured claim against a settling CERCLA defendant on behalf of DOI in the amount of $56,880,784, and for EPA in the amount of $499,216, for past costs and future liability as a potential liable party at the Sangamo Electric Dump/Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge Site. 

88 FR 86381

United States v. Heritage-Crystal Clean, LLC, No. 1:22-cv-00303 (N.D. Ill. Dec. 7, 2023). Under a proposed consent decree, a settling RCRA defendant that allegedly violated various hazardous waste management requirements at five of its facilities must comply with extensive measures to assure its facilities do not manage used parts washing solvent that is subject to regulation as hazardous waste and pay civil penalties totaling $1,162,500.