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89 FR 12837

EPA seeks comment on draft guidance to clarify and inform future NPDES permitting actions for communities with combined sewer systems. 

89 FR 12796

EPA proposed to approve a request from the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection for the delegation of authority to implement and enforce the federal plan requirements for municipal solid waste landfills that commenced construction on or before July 17, 2014. 

Virginia: Climate Change

The State Air Pollution Control Board adopted regulations for low and zero emission vehicle standards. The regulations, applicable to motor vehicles starting from the 2025 model year or the first feasible model year for implementing the standards, include provisions for a low emission vehicle program for criteria pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions and provisions for a zero emission vehicle program only for vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of 14,000 pounds or less.

Texas: Natural Resources

The General Land Office adopted amendments to regulations governing beach dune management. The amendments ensure consistency with related provisions, increase beach user fees, update beach access provisions, and prohibit on-beach vehicular access in certain areas.

New York: Waste

The Department of Environmental Conservation proposed amendments to regulations governing the state’s environmental remediation programs. The amendments would, among other things, address and update requirements pertaining to the State Superfund Program, the Environmental Restoration Program, and the Brownfield Cleanup Program, and update soil cleanup objectives. Hearings will be held May 15, 2024. Comments are due May 21, 2024.

Montana: Water

The Department of Environmental Quality adopted new rules and amended existing rules pertaining to Montana groundwater pollution control system permits. The rules and amendments allow the conditions of an expired permit to remain in force if the permittee applies for a reissued permit, and require all interested persons to raise all reasonably ascertainable issues and arguments on a tentative permit decision during the public comment period.