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75 FR 81863

SIP Approval: Alabama (Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule revision)

75 FR 82536

EPA finalized rulemaking that narrows thresholds of SIP PSD programs in 24 states that apply to GHG-emitting sources.

76 FR 26933

SIP Approval: Connecticut (PSD program for greenhouse gases (GHGs))

75 FR 82254

EPA finalized rulemaking that narrows thresholds for Title V permitting programs under the Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule.

75 FR 79302

EPA determined that the Dallas/Fort Worth moderate nonattainment area failed to attain the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS and reclassified the area as a serious ozone nonattainment area; attainment must be reached no later than June 15, 2013.

75 FR 79092

EPA amended specific provisions in the GHG reporting rule to complement the final rule published on October 28, 2010.

75 FR 77760

EPA issued a stay until March 14, 2011, of the requirement for chemical manufacturing area sources to comply with the NESHAPs permit program.

75 FR 77698

EPA issued an SIP call to 13 states whose plans do not apply PSD requirements to GHG-emitting sources and established deadlines for their compliance.

76 FR 5103

OSM proposed to approve revisions to Maryland's regulatory program concerning coal combustion byproducts under SMCRA.