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88 FR 65621

EPA granted authorization to the state of Wyoming for the changes to its hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

88 FR 65649

EPA proposed to grant authorization to the state of Wyoming for the changes to its hazardous waste management program under RCRA.

88 FR 65647

SIP Proposal: California (revisions to new source review permitting program for the Amador Air District).

88 FR 65350

The Federal Permitting Improvement Steering Council proposed to amend its regulations to revise the scope of "mining" as a sector with infrastructure projects eligible for coverage under Title 41 of the Fixing America's Surface Transportation Act.

88 FR 65389

EPA Region 1 announced the availability of the draft NPDES non-contact cooling water general permit for discharges to certain waters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the state of New Hampshire.

88 FR 65336

SIP Proposal: California (second 10-year maintenance plan for the 24-hour particulate matter NAAQS in the Sacramento County planning area).

88 FR 65356

NMFS proposed to extend the current regionwide moratorium on the harvest of gold corals in the U.S. Pacific Islands through June 30, 2028, in order to prevent overfishing and stimulate research on the species.

88 FR 65148

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration extended the comment period by 60 days for the “Hazardous Materials: Modernizing Regulations to Improve Safety and Efficiency (HM-265A)" advanced notice of proposed rulemaking.

88 FR 64884

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) identified categorical exclusions established by DOE under NEPA that cover categories of actions that NIST proposes to take.

88 FR 64972

DOT adopted DOE’s Electric Vehicle Charging Stations categorical exclusion under NEPA to use in DOT programs and funding opportunities administered by the Department.