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89 FR 17537

The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration and NRC jointly seek comments on issues concerning requirements in the International Atomic Energy Agency regulations for the safe transport of radioactive materials. 

89 FR 16624

FWS designated approximately 1,160,625 acres in 13 Florida counties as critical habitat for the Florida bonneted bat under the ESA.

89 FR 16698

SIP Approval: California (revisions concerning ozone nonattainment requirements for controlling volatile organic compounds and nitrogen oxides from refinery flares).

89 FR 16496

SIP Proposal: Kentucky (revisions to definitions and incorporation by reference dates).  

89 FR 16460

SIP Approval: Kentucky (revisions to rules regarding major stationary sources that are located within or have emissions that impact nonattainment areas, and revisions to nonattainment new source review planning requirements for the 2015 eight-hour ozone NAAQS in Jefferson County). 

89 FR 16560

EPA announced a 60-day public comment period associated with release of the draft IRIS Toxicological Review of Perfluorononanoic Acid and Related Salts. 

89 FR 15868

EPA Region 4 reissued the NPDES general permit for existing and new sources and new dischargers in the offshore subcategory of the oil and gas extraction point source category located and discharging to the outer continental shelf of the eastern Gulf of Mexico.

89 FR 15962

SIP Approval: California (nonattainment fees in the Sacramento Metropolitan Air Quality Management District). 

89 FR 16202

EPA lowered the level of the primary annual fine particulate matter standard and finalized other key aspects related to the particulate matter NAAQS. 

89 FR 16408

EPA finalized maximum achievable control technology standards for mercury and revised emission standards for hydrogen chloride and hydrogen fluoride for NESHAPs for taconite iron ore processing.