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87 FR 48128

EPA proposed to add a diisononyl phthalate category to the list of toxic chemicals subject to the reporting requirements under EPCRA and the Pollution Prevention Act. 

87 FR 48332

The federal agencies issued their semiannual regulatory agendas to update the public about regulations currently under development, reviews of existing regulations with small business impacts, and regulations completed or canceled since the last agenda. EPA’s agenda can be found at 87 FR 48332.

87 FR 48199

United States v. Thunder Diesel & Performance Co., No. 3:22-cv-03042 (W.D. Ark. July 28, 2022). Settling CAA and Federal Debt Collection and Procedures Act defendants that violated regulations governing the manufacture and sale of aftermarket automobile parts that bypass or defeat emission controls on diesel trucks must perform injunctive relief and pay a $1.6 million civil penalty. 

87 FR 48037

FWS initiated five-year status reviews of five species under the ESA. 

87 FR 47666

SIP Proposal: Arizona (local rules and reasonably available control technology requirements concerning emissions of nitrogen oxides and particulate matter from combustion equipment and internal combustion engines in Maricopa County). 

87 FR 47663

SIP Proposal: Arizona (reasonably available control technology demonstration for the aerospace coating category, negative declarations for the Phoenix-Mesa 2008 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area, and a rule concerning volatile organic compound emissions from surface coatings and industrial adhesives). 

87 FR 47632

SIP Approval: Arizona (interim final determination to defer sanctions due to the correction of deficiencies concerning reasonably available control technology requirements for controlling nitrogen oxide emissions from combustion equipment and internal combustion engines in Maricopa County). 

87 FR 47630

SIP Approval: Arizona (interim final determination to defer sanctions due to the correction of deficiencies concerning ozone nonattainment requirements for Maricopa County). 

87 FR 47354

SIP Approval: California (reasonably available control technology requirements and negative declarations for the Western Nevada County 2015 eight-hour ozone nonattainment area). 

87 FR 47397

CEQ seeks feedback on the vision, framework, and outcomes of the Environmental Justice Scorecard as mandated by Executive Order No. 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad.