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76 FR 7762

EPA determined that perchlorate meets the SDWA's criteria for regulation as a contaminant.

76 FR 5735

EPA seeks public comment on proposed revisions to the rules under FIFRA on the protection of human subjects in research involving pesticides.

76 FR 8480

The U.S. Forest Service seeks public comment on a proposed new rule to guide land and resource management planning for all units of the National Forest System.

76 FR 9700

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Alabama's regulatory program under SMCRA concerning licensing; see above for direct final rule.

76 FR 6587

OSM proposed to approve an amendment to Pennsylvania's regulatory program under SMCRA that would remove a required amendment on land reclamation.

76 FR 6564

EPA approved revisions to Florida's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 6564

EPA approved revisions to Florida's hazardous waste management program.

76 FR 9988

EPA seeks public comment on its plan for periodic retrospective review of regulations as called for by Executive Order No. 13563, Improving Regulation and Regulatory Review.

76 FR 10295

SIP Proposal: Texas (VOC emissions from consumer-related sources; see above for direct final rule)

76 FR 6590

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (attainment of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley nonattainment area)