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76 FR 61599

FWS removed 189,671 acres from its 1996 critical habitat designation under the ESA for the marbled murrelet in northern California and southern Oregon. 

76 FR 61696

EPA Region 2 received a petition to determine whether adequate facilities for the safe and sanitary removal and treatment of sewage from all vessels are reasonably available for the New York state portion of Lake Ontario.

76 FR 61695

EPA announced the availability of the Gulf of Mexico Regional Ecosystem Restoration Strategy (Preliminary), in response to Executive Order No. 13554 of October 5, 2010, and seeks public comment. 

76 FR 61566

EPA promulgated significant new use rules under TSCA for 36 chemical substances that were the subject of premanufacture notices.

76 FR 61782

FWS proposed to remove the gray wolf in Wyoming from the list of endangered and threatened wildlife under the ESA and to remove its nonessential experimental population designation. 

76 FR 41562

SIP Proposal: California (partial approval of revisions to the 1997 fine PM NAAQS, deadline extension for attainment to April 5, 2015, and disapproval of contingency measures for the Los Angeles-South Coast area). 

76 FR 41338

SIP Proposal: California (partial approval of revisions to the 1997 fine PM NAAQS, deadline extension for attainment to April 5, 2015, and disapproval of contingency measures for the San Joaquin Valley). 

76 FR 40652

SIP Proposal: California (diesel PM, NOx, sulfur dioxide (SO2), and other pollutants from in-use, heavy-duty diesel-fueled trucks and buses and from ocean-going vessels). 

76 FR 40303

SIP Proposal: California (limited approval of revisions for NOxemissions for the the South Coast air quality management district). 

76 FR 44406

EPA established measures to mitigate the misfueling of vehicles, engines, and equipment with gasoline containing up to 15 volume percent ethanol and the potential emission consequences of misfueling.