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77 FR 1414

SIP Approval: Alaska (motor vehicle inspection and maintenance program).

77 FR 497

EPA announced approval of the use of SCR technologies with nonroad compression-ignition engines for 2011 and later model years.

77 FR 488

EPA announced approval of the use of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technologies with certain 2011-2012 and later model-year vehicles.

77 FR 282

EPA entered into a proposed settlement agreement in EnerNOC v. EPA, Nos. 10-1090 & 10-1336 (D.C. Cir.), that requires the Agency to propose rulemaking to revise the NESHAP for reciprocating internal combustion engines and the new source performance standards for internal combustion engines by April 20, 2012.

77 FR 281

EPA entered into a proposed consent decree in National Parks Conservation Ass'n v. Jackson, No. 1:11-cv-1548 (D.D.C.), that establishes proposed and final deadlines for the Agency to promulgate regional haze federal implementation plans or to approve regional haze SIPs for 34 states. 

77 FR 237

EPA proposed to adjust the production and consumption allowances of hydrochlorofluorocarbons for 2012-2014. 

77 FR 960

EPA proposed amendments to the heat exchange system requirements of the NESHAP for petroleum refineries.

77 FR 1268

EPA proposed amendments to NESHAPs for Group IV polymers and resins, for pesticide active ingredient production, and for polyether polyols production. 

77 FR 427

EPA amended its acquisition regulations on compliance policies for information resources management in contracts. 

77 FR 556

EPA finalized amendments to the NESHAP for the secondary lead smelting source category.