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77 FR 22848

EPA promulgated NESHAPs for the production of polyvinyl chloride and copolymers.

77 FR 21920

FWS announced a 90-day finding on a petition to list either the eastern population or the southern Rocky Mountain population of the boreal toad as endangered or threatened under the ESA and to designate critical habitat; the agency found that listing the eastern population of the boreal toad may be warranted and initiated a status review.

77 FR 22226

EPA denied a petition by Earthjustice to review "Regulation of Oil-Bearing Hazardous Secondary Materials From the Petroleum Refining Industry Processed in a Gasification System to Produce Synthesis Gas," which was promulgated on January 2, 2008.

77 FR 21908

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (limited approval of permitting revisions)

77 FR 23622

SIP Approval:Illinois (volatile organic matter (VOM) standard for the Crownline manufacturing facility) 

77 FR 25084

SIP Approval: Hawaii (volatile organic compound (VOC), nitrogen oxide (NOx), and particulate matter (PM) emissions) 

77 FR 21896

SIP Proposal: Nevada (partial approval of regional haze program and promulgation of FIP)

77 FR 21911

SIP Proposal: Arizona (air pollution emergencies)

77 FR 23133

SIP Approval: California (visible PM contaminants for the Yolo-Solano air quality management district)