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88 FR 28284

EPA proposed measures to address the unreasonable risk of injury to human health presented by methylene chloride under its conditions of use as documented in the Agency's June 2020 Risk Evaluation and November 2022 revised risk determination prepared under TSCA.

88 FR 27804

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) proposed to amend and update its regulations for implementing NEPA to better align with its current and near future actions, adjust the level of NEPA review and documentation required for certain actions, and provide more concise descriptions of NASA actions, as well as incorporate updates to existing categorical exclusions.

88 FR 27451

NMFS initiated a five-year status review under the ESA for the Taiwanese humpback dolphin, and requested submission of any new scientific and commercial data that has become available since the species was listed in 2018.

88 FR 27502

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution to reduce plastic waste and other post-consumer materials in waterways and oceans, as directed by Congress in §301 of the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act.

88 FR 26538

EPA announced the availability of data on emission allowance allocations to certain units under the Cross-State Air Pollution Rule trading programs.

88 FR 26300

EPA entered into a modified proposed cashout settlement agreement under CERCLA for recovery of response costs at the Delta Shipyard Superfund site in Houma, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana.

88 FR 26300

EPA entered into a proposed administrative settlement agreement under CERCLA that requires a settling defendant to pay $5.25 million as partial payment for Agency response costs associated with the ITC Tank Fire Superfund site in Deer Park, Texas.

88 FR 26244

FWS proposed regulations that would codify the process by which the Service establishes drain tile setbacks in wetland easement contracts pursuant to the National Wildlife Refuge Administration Act.

88 FR 26335

United States v. WES DJ Gathering LLC, No. 1:20-cv-01931-RMR-MEH (D. Colo. Apr. 20, 2023). A settling CAA defendant that allegedly violated leak detection and repair requirements at three natural gas processing plants it owns and operates in Weld County, Colorado, must perform injunctive relief to address the violations, implement mitigation projects to help offset excess emissions caused by the violations, and pay a $3,500,000 civil penalty.

88 FR 26382

EPA listed certain substitutes under the Significant New Alternatives Policy program in refrigeration, air conditioning, and fire suppression.