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89 FR 49175

EPA proposed to enter into individual CERCLA settlements with seven additional parties concerning the recovery of cleanup costs at Bennett Landfill Fire Site in Chester, South Carolina. 

89 FR 48850

The National Park Service (NPS) proposed to revise regulations governing the application, processing, and issuance of right-of-way permits for lands and waters administered by NPS.

Tohono O'odham Nation v. United States Department of Interior

A district court granted BLM's motion to dismiss tribes' and environmental groups' challenge to the Bureau's approval of a 550-mile transmission line route through the San Pedro Valley. Plaintiffs argued BLM violated the National Historic Preservation Act by failing to identify the San Pedro Valley ...

Mid Valley Pipeline Co., L.L.C. v. Rodgers

The Fifth Circuit affirmed dismissal of a constitutional challenge brought by a pipeline company concerning a 1949 permit a local levee board granted to the company to construct and maintain two pipelines across a levee in Mayersville, Mississippi. The company argued the board violated the Contracts...

89 FR 48919

United States v. ExxonMobil Pipeline Co. LLC, No. 4:24-cv-473-KGB (E.D. Ark. June 3, 2024). Under a proposed consent decree, settling OPA defendants must pay a total of $1,755,082 in connection with a discharge of oil from the Pegasus Pipeline into the environment in and around Mayflower, Arkansas, that migrated to waters, wetlands, and ultimately to Lake Conway.

89 FR 48774

EPA determined that Alabama’s coal combustion residuals permit program does not meet the standard for approval under RCRA. 

89 FR 48523

SIP Proposal: Pennsylvania (revisions to attainment plan for the Indiana, Pennsylvania 2010 one-hour sulfur dioxide nonattainment area). 

89 FR 48532

SIP Proposal: Connecticut (removal of State Order Nos. 7002B and 2087 and addition of Consent Order No. 8381). 

89 FR 48674

DOI proposed to revise seven categorical exclusions under NEPA in the Bureau of Reclamation’s NEPA implementing procedures.