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83 FR 52694

EPA established fees applicable to any person required to submit information to the Agency under TSCA or who manufactures a chemical substance that is subject to a risk evaluation.

83 FR 50366

EPA announced the availability of its A Working Approach for Identifying Potential Candidate Chemicals for Prioritization; the guidance document lays out the Agency's near-term approach for identifying potential chemicals for prioritization in the initial step of evaluating safety of existing chemicals under TSCA and a longer-term risk-based approach for considering the larger TSCA active chemical universe.

83 FR 37735

EPA added grain sorghum oil pathways to the list of approved renewable fuel production pathways under the Renewable Fuel Standard program.

83 FR 37702

EPA promulgated significant new use rules under TSCA for 145 chemical substances which were the subject of premanufacture notices.

83 FR 31388

EPA announced the release of and seeks comment on its draft IRIS assessment plan for naphthalene, which outlines objectives for assessments and type of evidence considered most pertient to address scoping needs.

83 FR 30889

EPA proposed to lower current dust-lead hazard standards for floors and window sills.

83 FR 30168

EPA announced a new policy for assigning and applying unique identifiers for TSCA chemical substances.

83 FR 30173

EPA announced the availability of and seeks comment on the following guidance document: Guidance for Creating Generic Names for Confidential Chemical Substance Identity Reporting Under the TSCA.

83 FR 30171

EPA announced the availability of three guidance documents on expanded access to TSCA confidential business information.

83 FR 30167

EPA announced the availability of the final Strategic Plan to Promote the Development and Implementation of Alternative Test Methods Supporting the TSCA.