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76 FR 30010

OSM approved an amendment to Montana's regulatory program under SMCRA regarding bond release responsibility periods for water management facilities and other support facilities.

76 FR 27898

SIP Approval: Virginia (PSD permitting for GHGs)

76 FR 31237

SIP Approval: Pennsylvania (attainment of the 1997 eight-hour ozone NAAQS for the Pittsburgh-Beaver Valley nonattainment area)

76 FR 31245

SIP Approval: North Carolina/South Carolina (extension of the 1997 eight-hour ozone moderate attainment date for the bi-state Charlotte area to June 15, 2011)

75 FR 79300

SIP Approval: Mississippi (incorporation of nitrogen oxide (NOx) as a precursor to ozone).

75 FR 81471

SIP Approval: Minnesota (sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions).

75 FR 81868

SIP Approval: Kentucky (Greenhouse Gas Tailoring Rule revision).

75 FR 74624

SIP Approval: Georgia (Stage II gasoline vapor recovery rule).

75 FR 77758

SIP Approval: Delaware (volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from portable fuel containers).