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Environmental Law Institute to Explore and Recommend Energy Conservation Measures

The Environmental Law Institute is undertaking a major research effort to locate and create legal and administrative means for encouraging energy conservation at the state and local level. The research, funded for an 18-month period by a $498,000 grant from the National Science Foundation, will employ four Institute attorneys, an economist, and a manager to direct a search for legal materials and structures that mandate or encourage energy conservation, as well as those that presently stand as impediments to efficient energy usage.

D.C. Circuit Voids EPA Plan to Lower Lead Content of Gasoline

Last month's ELR reported on the January 31 decision of the Second Circuit Court of Appeals, upholding strict new standards governing exposure of workers to vinyl chloride gas.1 The court took the position that once the danger to the workers was proved, a rigid standard could be imposed by the government without a showing that that standard was technologically feasible.

EPA Denies Request for Emergency Use of DDT in Louisiana

On January 24, the state of Louisiana formally petitioned the Environmental Protection Agency to reconsider its 1972 order cancelling the use of DDT on cotton. Cancellation of the pesticide, one of William Ruckelshaus' last acts as EPA Administrator, was upheld in December 1973, by the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals.1 That decision was the culmination of 10 years of legal action by environmentalists, particularly the Environmental Defense Fund, to convince the government that a ban on the chemical was necessary to protect both the environment and human health.

Congress Under Pressure to Amend NEPA to Allow State Participation in Impact Statement Preparation

The recent passage of two bills by the United States House of Representatives1 is forcing environmentalists to reassess the importance of requiring that environmental impact statements be prepared by the "responsible federal official," rather than by state agencies. Both bills would in effect permit state officials to prepare NEPA impact statements, so long as federal officials involve themselves in the process in a supervisory capacity.

Electric Utility Rate Design: The Move Toward Peak-Load Pricing

Energy conservation, especially as derives from improved efficiency of conversion and end use, has become perhaps the only widely agreed upon part of our national policy for dealing with the current projected shortfalls between domestic fuel supplies and the nation's appetite for energy.

International Application of NEPA: Environmentalists Challenge Pesticide Aid Program

Several environmental organizations recently filed suit seeking to require an environmental analysis of the Agency for International Development's (AID) use of pesticides in foreign countries.1 The basis for the suit is AID's financial and technical assistance in the use of pesticides, including several banned in the United States, by foreign governments. Resolution of this narrow issue hinges on the answer to an important legal question—the applicability of NEPA to activities outside the United States.

The Supreme Court Limits Attorneys' Fee Awards

The public interest suffered a major judicial setback on May 12, when the Supreme Court announced its decision in Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. v. Wilderness Society,1 declaring erroneous a line of decisions awarding attorneys' fees to environmental and other public interest plaintiffs.2 The five-Justice majority held that only Congress, not the courts, can authorize an exception to the "American rule" that attorneys' fees cannot ordinarily be recovered by a prevailing party from a losing party.