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Externalities and the Common Owner: View From a Shareowner

California Public Employees’ Retirement System (CalPERS) is the largest-defined benefit public pension fund in the United States, with about $450 billion in global assets under management. CalPERS actively protects its rights as an investor and the Board Governance and Sustainability program sits at the center of this effort.

Can't We All Just Get Along?: How Diversified Investors and Companies Can Maintain Their Fiduciary Duty in a Climate Crisis

Madison Condon’s Externalities and the Common Owner warrants serious attention and consideration by a broad variety of stakeholders—investors, public policymakers, academics, and citizens concerned about the systemic risks climate change pose to our economy, wealth, and sustainability. This Comment is written from the perspective of an active investor and portfolio manager integrating environmental, social, and governance risks and opportunities into Arjuna Capital’s client investment portfolios.

A Welfare Function for Shareholder Engagement: Recognizing Profit for What It Is

Madison Condon’s Externalities and the Common Owner (ECO) plays an important role in the growing literature around shareholder activism aimed at increasing portfolio returns, regardless of individual firm effects. The article raises important questions of political economy, power distribution, and anticompetitive activity. In this Comment, I introduce key terminology for discussing these issues, and then reframe several issues raised by the article.

Externalities and the Common Owner

This Article expands the consideration of the effects of common ownership from the industry level to the market-portfolio level and argues that diversified investors should rationally be motivated to internalize intra-portfolio negative externalities. This portfolio perspective can explain the increasing climate change-related activism of institutional investors, who have applied coordinated shareholder power to pressure fossil fuel producers into substantially reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

The Uses of Climate Change Attribution Science: The NGO Practitioner's View

Climate advocates are fortunate to have the benefit of the thorough assessment of climate change attribution science and its application to climate policy and litigation that Michael Burger, Jessica Wentz, and Radley Horton have undertaken in their article. Attribution science has expanded dramatically during the past two decades, becoming increasingly nuanced and complex.

Analysis of Environmental Law Scholarship 2019-2020

The Environmental Law and Policy Annual Review (ELPAR) is published by the Environmental Law Institute’s (ELI’s) Environmental Law Reporter in partnership with Vanderbilt University Law School. This Comment highlights the results of the ELPAR article selection process and reports on the environmental legal scholarship for the 2019-2020 academic year, including the number of environmental law articles published in general law reviews versus environmental law journals, and the topics covered in the articles.

Funding and Facilitating Public Participation at FERC

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has embarked on an effort to implement a long-dormant provision of the Federal Power Act, §319, which could lead to broader participation by diverse and underresourced constituencies in Commission matters. This Article traces §319’s history and discusses several implementation choices that will affect what types of participation the Commission facilitates.

Governing Shared Watercourses Under Climatic Uncertainty: The Case of the Nile Basin

Climate change is projected to have catastrophic impacts on the hydrological cycle. Responding to its projected adverse impacts requires building flexibility and adaptability into watercourse treaties. Exploring the treaty practices of other shared watercourses, this Article studies the context of the Nile Basin, and concludes that the legal regime governing the Basin lacks the flexibility needed to adapt to climate change.