Recent Journal Literature

"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.

Barry S. Neuman, Third Circuit Clears Way for National Pretreatment Program, 14 ELR 10039 (1984)
Claiming the Shields: Law, Anthropology, and the Role of Storytelling in a NAGPRA Repatriation Case Study, 28 J. Land Res. & Envtl. L. 301 (2008)
Protected Wilderness or Arctic Oilfield?, Defenders (Winter 1999, at 14)
Roger J. Marzulla, The Government Response to the Environmental Defense Fund/Chemical Manufacturers Association §104(i) Litigation, 14 ELR 10120 (1984)
Method Is Irrelevant: Allowing Native Hawaiian Traditional and Customary Subsistence Fishing to Thrive, 32 U. Haw. L. Rev. 203 (2009)
The National Park Service's Proposed Ban: A New Approach to Personal WateResource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA)ft Use in the National Parks, 27 B.C. Envtl. Aff. L. Rev. 243 (2000)