Recent Journal Literature

"Recent Journal Literature" lists law review and other legal periodical articles, including ELR articles, that may be relevant to your research. Choose from a list of keywords (on the left) to filter your search. Within subject matter categories, entries are listed alphabetically by author or title. Links are included to articles published in ELR only.

, Supreme Court Refuses to Define EPA's Power to Require State Enforcement of Clean Air Act Transportation Controls, 7 ELR 10097 (1977)
, Develop if You Dare: Congress Relaxes the Economic Sanctions of the Flood Insurance Program, 7 ELR 10171 (1977)
James L. Oakes, Substantive Judicial Review in Environmental Law, 7 ELR 50029 (1977)
, D.C. Circuit Rejects EPA's Use of the "Bubble Concept" in Applying New Source Performance Standards, 8 ELR 10052 (1978)
, Supreme Court Voids New Jersey Ban on Waste Importation, 8 ELR 10159 (1978)
, EPA's Widening Embrace of the "Bubble" Concept: The Legality and Availability of Intra-Source Trade Offs, 9 ELR 10027 (1979)
, Circuit Split Over APA Notice-and-Comment Requirements Derails EPA's Clean Air Act Nonattainment Designations, 9 ELR 10173 (1979)
, Inaction as Action Under NEPA: EIS Not Required for Interior's Failure to Halt Alaskan Wolf Hunt, 10 ELR 10055 (1980)
, National Crushed Stone: EPA Not Required to Grant "Economic Hardship" Variances From 1977 Effluent Limitations, 10 ELR 10215 (1980)
, EPA Approves New Jersey Generic Bubble Rule, Develops Consolidated Guidance for Controlled Trading Program, 11 ELR 10119 (1981)