
Last week, the Government of Canada began the public engagement phase of its National Adaptation Strategy. The strategy is Canada’s first-ever framework meant to address and adapt to climate change impacts. From May to July of 2022, the government is seeking public comment related to short-term action that can support longer-term goals and address adaptation priorities. Specific conversation categories include “Thriving Natural Environment,” “Disaster Resilience and Security,” “Health and Wellbeing,” “Resilient Natural and Built Infrastructure,” and “Strong and Resilient Economy,” in addition to other topics (Government of Canada). Final strategy development is projected to take place later this summer and into the fall, and the official release of the plan is slated for the end of 2022.

Canada’s climate is warming twice as fast as the global average, and three times as fast in the North. The Federal Environment Minister noted that, in the past several years, climate change has cost Canada around $23 billion (Reuters). The Insurance Bureau of Canada estimated that severe weather impacts due to climate change will cost the Canadian economy approximately $5 billion annually.

The strategy is in part a response to recent natural disastersflooding, fires, and record-breaking heatand aims to help Canadians prepare for future disasters. Short-term priorities consequently include food security, resilient infrastructure, and first responder network improvements (CBC).