Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

would prohibit the implementation of the Proposed Resource Management Plan Amendment and Final Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement for federal coal managed by the Buffalo, Wyoming Field Office of BLM.

would expedite under NEPA and improve forest management activities on National Forest System lands, on public lands under the jurisdiction of BLM, and on tribal lands to return resilience to overgrown, fire-prone forested lands.

would amend the Wilderness Act to allow local federal officials to determine the manner in which nonmotorized uses may be permitted in wilderness areas.

would ensure access to certain public land.

would amend the Food Security Act of 1985 to encourage practices that benefit both soil and wildlife habitat by increasing payments to producers for such practices under the environmental quality incentives program and the conservation stewardship program. 

would redesignate land within certain wilderness study areas in the state of Wyoming.

would designate and expand wilderness areas in Olympic National Forest in the state of Washington and designate certain rivers in Olympic National Forest and Olympic National Park as wild and scenic rivers. 

would amend the Internal Revenue Code to expand the exclusion for certain conservation subsidies to include subsidies for water conservation or efficiency measures, stormwater management measures, and wastewater management measures.

would approve the settlement of water rights claims of Ohkay Owingeh in the Rio Chama stream system, and restore the bosque on Pueblo land in the state of New Mexico.

would modify operations of NOAA's National Water Center.