Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

would prohibit drilling in the Arctic Ocean.

would ratify and approve all authorizations, permits, verifications, extensions, biological opinions, incidental take statements, and any other approvals or orders issued pursuant to federal law necessary for the establishment and administration of the Coastal Plain oil and gas leasing program.

would amend the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area Act to adjust the boundary of the Sloan Canyon National Conservation Area; amend the Apex Project, Nevada Land Transfer and Authorization Act of 1989 to include the city of North Las Vegas, Nevada, and the Apex Industrial Park Owners Association; clarify the authority of DOD to conduct certain military activities at the Nevada Test and Training Range; and designate the Southern Paiute Wilderness in the state of Nevada.

would amend the Federal Crop Insurance Act to direct the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation to conduct research and development on frost or cold weather insurance.

would amend the Internal Revenue Code to deny certain green energy tax benefits to companies connected to certain countries of concern.

would prohibit federal funds from being made available for the Justice40 Initiative or for the American Climate Corps.

would require the Administrator of NASA to establish a program to identify, evaluate, acquire, and disseminate commercial earth remote sensing data and imagery in order to satisfy the scientific, operational, and educational requirements of the Administration.

would establish an interagency committee on soil carbon sequestration research.

would amend SMCRA to authorize partnerships between states and nongovernmental entities for the purpose of reclaiming and restoring land and water resources adversely affected by coal mining activities before August 3, 1977.

would reauthorize the Tsunami Warning and Education Act.