Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

would amend the FWPCA with respect to the procedure for the development of water quality criteria.

would amend the FWPCA with respect to the scope of NPDES permit discharge authorizations and the expression of effluent limitations.

would amend §404 of the FWPCA to codify certain regulatory provisions relating to nationwide permits for dredged or fill material.

would direct the Administrator of NOAA to conduct high-resolution mapping of the lakebeds of the Great Lakes.

would prohibit natural asset companies from entering into any agreement with respect to land in the state of Utah or natural assets on or in such land.

would require the reopening of covered recreation sites closed due to a natural disaster.

would amend the Mineral Leasing Act to amend references of gilsonite to asphaltite.

would amend the FWPCA to clarify when the Administrator of EPA has the authority to prohibit the specification of a defined area, or deny or restrict the use of a defined area for specification, as a disposal site under §404 of the Act.

would amend the National Landslide Preparedness Act to reauthorize the Act.

would provide for economic development and conservation in Washoe County, Nevada.