Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

would establish the Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness in the state of Indiana.

would provide for the conveyance of certain federal land at Swanson Reservoir and Hugh Butler Reservoir in the state of Nebraska.

would establish the Benjamin Harrison National Recreation Area and Wilderness in the state of Indiana.

would amend the Oregon Resource Conservation Act of 1996 to reauthorize the Deschutes River Conservancy Working Group.

would amend the CAA, the FWPCA, and the ESA to modify requirements for citizen suits under those Acts.

would establish and maintain a coordinated program within NOAA that improves wildfire, fire weather, fire risk, and smoke related forecasting, detection, modeling, observations, and service delivery, and to address growing needs in the wildland-urban interface.

would amend the Tribal Forest Protection Act of 2004 to improve the Act.

would amend the Mineral Leasing Act to make certain improvements in the laws relating to coal royalties.

would eliminate certain subsidies for fossil fuel production.

would amend the Federal Power Act to prohibit FERC from issuing permits for the construction or modification of electric transmission facilities in a state over the objection of the state.