Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.
The bill would amend the Migratory Bird Treaty Act to provide for penalties and enforcement for intentionally taking protected avian species.
The bill would support international tiger conservation efforts and the upcoming Global Tiger Summit in St. Petersburg, Russia.
would promote exploration for and development of rare earth elements in the United States and reestablish a competitive supply chain for rare earth materials in the United States and countries that are allies of the United States.
would provide for the replacement or rebuilding of a vessel for the Non-American Fisheries Act trawl catcher processors that comprise the Amendment 80 fleet.
would expand geothermal production, among other purposes.
The bill would amend the Fish and Wildlife Act of 1956 to reauthorize volunteer programs and community partnerships for national wildlife refuges.
The bill would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to establish within EPA a Columbia Basin Restoration Program.
The bill would amend the Energy Policy Act of 2005 to reauthorize and modify provisions relating to the diesel emissions reduction program.
The bill would amend the Safe Drinking Water Act to reduce lead in drinking water.
The bill would authorize the establishment of a Maritime Center of Expertise for Maritime Oil Spill and Hazardous Substance Release Response.