Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.
would provide for conservation, enhanced recreation opportunities, and development of renewable energy in the California Desert Conservation Area.
would establish requirements with respect to bisphenol A.
would establish the Buffalo Bayou National Heritage Area in the state of Texas.
would authorize the Secretary of the Interior to enter into a cooperative agreement for a park headquarters at San Antonio Missions National Historical Park, expand the boundary of the Park, and conduct a study of potential land acquisitions.
would require the EPA Administrator to finalize a proposed rule to amend the spill prevention, control, and countermeasure rule to tailor and streamline the requirements for the dairy industry.
would amend the Federal Water Pollution Control Act to establish a grant program to support the restoration of San Francisco Bay.
would amend the SDWA to require a health advisory and drinking water standard for hexavalent chromium.
would amend the SDWA to require a health advisory and drinking water standard for perchlorate.
would direct the EPA Administrator to investigate and address cancer and disease clusters, including in infants and children.
would reauthorize the Coral Reef Conservation Act of 2000.