Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.
would preserve existing rights and responsibilities with respect to waters of the United States.
would allow for innovations and alternative technologies that meet or exceed desired energy efficiency goals.
would direct the Secretary of the Interior to issue commercial use authorizations to commercial stock operators for operations in designated wilderness within the Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks.
would prevent certain taxation of natural gas pipeline property.
would amend the Nuclear Waste Policy Act of 1982 to require the President to certify that the Yucca Mountain site remains the designated site for the development of a repository for the disposal of high-level radioactive waste, and for other purposes.
would authorize negotiations with Brazil to eliminate tariffs and trade barriers to U.S. ethanol exports.
would authorize the issuance of right-of-way permits for natural gas pipelines in Glacier National Park.
would provide for the conveyance of a small parcel of National Forest System land in the Uinta-Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah to Brigham Young University.
would provide for the development of a plan to increase oil and gas exploration, development, and production under oil and gas leases of federal lands under the jurisdiction of the Secretary of Agriculture, the Secretary of Energy, the Secretary of the Interior, and the Secretary of Defense in response to a drawdown of petroleum reserves from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve.
would compel the Secretary of the Army to complete the Great Lakes Mississippi River Interbasin Study within 18 months and to focus particular attention on the permanent prevention of the spread of aquatic nuisance species between the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River Basins.