Recent Federal Bills

Below are summaries of Bills Introduced, Committee Reports, Chamber Actions, and Public Laws reported in the most recent issue of ELR's Weekly Update.

which would amend subtitle D of the Solid Waste Disposal Act to facilitate recovery and beneficial use of materials generated by the combustion of coal and other fossil fuels and provide for their proper management and disposal, was passed by the House.

which would clarify the jurisdiction of the Secretary of the Interior with respect to the C.C. Cragin Dam and Reservoir, was passed by the Senate.

which would further allocate and expand the availability of hydroelectric power generated at Hoover Dam, was passed by the Senate.

which would reinstate and extend the deadline for beginning the construction of a hydroelectric project involving the American Falls Reservoir, was passed by the Senate.

which would modify a land grant patent issued by the Secretary of the Interior, was passed by the Senate.

which would reinstate and extend the deadline for beginning the construction of a hydroelectric project involving the Little Wood River Ranch, was passed by the Senate.

which would resolve the claims of the Bering Straits Native Corporation and the state of Alaska to land adjacent to Salmon Lake and provide for the conveyance of certain other public land to the Bering Straits Native Corporation, was passed by the Senate.

which would amend title 49, U.S. Code, to provide for enhanced safety and environmental protection in pipeline transportation and enhanced reliability in the transportation of the nation's energy products by pipeline, was passed by the Senate.

would direct the Secretary of the Interior to convey certain federal land to Deschutes County, Oregon, was passed by the Senate.

would facilitate the development of offshore wind energy resources.