UK Gas Rush May Breach Climate Change Act


An independent committee warned the United Kingdom last week that plans for a surge in new gas investment would violate the Climate Change Act, reigniting a fight about the nation's energy future. David Cameron's strong backing of gas-fired power plants may damage the UK's ability to meet its climate change targets, as the government fights over whether to favor gas over renewable energy. A warning from the independent Climate Change Committee stated that "extensive use of unabated gas-fired capacity (i.e., without carbon capture and storage technology) in 2030 and beyond would be incompatible with meeting legislated carbon budgets," adding fire to the fight over whether to include a target to decarbonize the nation's electricity by 2030 in the next Energy Bill. The committee board wrote an open letter to the energy and climate change secretary criticizing the "apparently ambivalent position of the government about whether it is trying to build a low-carbon or a gas-based power system." For the full story, see