Peru Dam Project May Destroy Millions of Acres of Jungle


A hydroelectric dam project in Peru could destroy almost 3.7 million acres of jungle over the next 20 years, according to a study by ProNaturaleza, a Peruvian conservation organization. The nation is set to construct five dams as part of an energy agreement with Brazil. "There will be a serious impact on the Amazon ecosystems," said engineer Jose Serra of the project, which includes plans to build the largest dam in Peru and the fifth largest dam in Latin America. Ernesto Raez, a biologist with the Cayetano Heredia University's Center for Environmental Sustainability, said that the Peruvian government should have commissioned an environmental impact study before signing the agreement with Brazil. According to UPI, Peru's current energy capacity is adequate to meet its needs, and projected growth can be met through wind energy. For the full story, see For a Newsweek story on Peru dam projects aimed at blocking flooding from melting glaciers, see