EU, Behind on Energy Targets, May Stiffen Goals


After hearing that the European Union (EU) was set to fall halfway short of its 20% energy efficiency savings by 2020 goal, leaders of the 27 member states overhauled its energy strategy to develop one that may set it on track for 25% carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions cuts by 2020. Currently, the EU as a whole is set to achieve a savings of only 8.9%, less than half its goal, while Germany, Hungary, and Poland will likely fall short by over a third. According to Reuters, Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger is expected to give EU leaders two years to attempt to meet goals before proposing legally binding targets. With the budgets of member states strained, governments have hesitated to make the upfront investments necessary to cut energy usage. However, the current plan could produce as many as two million jobs in the next 10 years, and increasing the energy efficiency of buildings, which consume about 40% of Europe's energy, would reduce the 40 billion euros EU states send abroad for gas every year. Legally binding efficiency targets would be similar to existing binding renewable fuel targets, which are faring better. A recent report from transmission systems operators indicated that biomass, wind, and hydro power may account for as much as 36% of energy consumed by 2020, well over the 20% targets. The change from fossil fuel could result in a CO2 emissions cut between 26% and 57% compared with 2009, the report said. For the story on the EU's failure to meet existing cuts, see For the story on new plans, see For the story on renewable energy, see For a story on the effectiveness of energy efficiency programs, see